Sander Kolodziej Art LLC

Sander Kolodziej Art LLC
250 N 3rd Avenue, P.O. Box #226
Minneapolis MN
Booth: ART1

Company Description:

Sander Kolodziej is a painter and user experience designer currently based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He graduated from SCAD in 2017. Since then, Sander has been creating pieces in what he calls his cellular series—works inspired by microorganisms and the idea of bringing the worlds we can’t see with the naked eye to life through detailed acrylic and watercolor paintings. Most recently, he has been exploring sculpture to bring these worlds to a three-dimensional space.

Sander also loves working with kids, and since moving to the Twin Cities, he has found joy in volunteering with Art Buddies, a nonprofit organization that hosts after-school art programs for kids at underfunded public schools. Sander is passionate about creating work that brings people together in the community.

Show Specials:

Display piece in the show for sale along with the opportunity to commission work for your home or business.

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